Saturday, December 20, 2008
See you at our CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!
I really hope you're planning to come if you're in town. This Sunday, December 21 at 6 PM at the church. We'll do a potluck supper, so bring some food, and then a gift exchange, so bring a $5 gift.
See you then!
What I'm Reading
I did a little shopping today. Book shopping. I did have my eyes open for Christmas presents, but mainly it was for me. And you. Here are some of the titles I got plus a few I brought home from the office to tell you about:
"The Secret Message of Jesus" by Brian McLaren. I'm guessing this is going to be a closer look at what Jesus actually taught, and possibly how we've missed it or watered it down.
"Hope Lives (A Journey of Restoration)" by Amber Van Schooneveld. This is a 5 week journey looking at Poverty and Hope, in which you read a bit 5 days a week and reflect on it. Week one looks at all the things that keep us from caring about poverty, week two looks at what Scripture has to say, week three looks at the issues plaguing the world, week four at prayer, and week 5 at how God created you to be his messenger of hope. I'd love to work through this; I'd love for one of you to show interest and then teach the rest of us what you've learned.
"Intercessors Arise" by Debbie Przybelski. This looks good - another one I'd like to work through myself, and would like one of you to work through and pass on your insights.
Those are the new ones. Some that we have already that you might be interested in reading are:
"Captivating - Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul" by John and Stasi Eldredge. A good read - hits on a lot of stuff that we need to be reminded of, or taught for the first time.
"Dear Church - Letters from a Disillusioned Generation" by Sarah Cunningham. I think many of you will identify with this one. Highlights what it is about church that rubs us the wrong way, but leaves you with hope. Well written.
"More Ready Than You Realize - Evangelism as Dance in the Postmodern Matrix" by Brian McLaren. Don't get put off by the title! It's a good book on how sharing your faith should be an ongoing conversation, and how you should be a spiritual friend. This one has a lot of good stuff in it.
We've also got Shane Claiborne's "Irresistible Revolution" and Rob Bell's "Sex God." Those are both out, but are good reads, too. "Irresistible Revolution" may just start a fire in you. Let me know if you want to be next on the list for one of these when they come back.
What I'm reading right now is "Unchristian" by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons. It was a textbook (along with "The Gospel According to Starbucks") for the Gospel and Culture class that Carey held this spring. I missed the class, but wanted to check out the books. Finally getting on that. I borrowed it from the Regina Public Library. (I love the library.) If anyone else is interested in reading it, I could get a copy for us. I think the reason I put off reading it (besides the time factor) was that I was expecting it to be depressing. So far (and I'm not that far in) it seems like it won't just address the stats that show how poorly outsiders think of us, but will identify how we can go about changing those perceptions to being seen as being more ChristLIKE and less Unchristian. I'll try to remember to let you know how it turns out and what I learned.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Fondue Scoop
The scoop on the Citywide Biggest Chocolate Fondue Ever... If you were in church on Sunday, you heard it announced that it was going to be postponed. I have been on the phone with some of the others, and there is still opportunity to be involved. Originally Celebration Lutheran was going to do this event; they invited the rest of us who decided that we'd do it as a citywide. Too many things about that fell apart, but Celebration is still doing it, at the Buffalo Lounge at 7:30 (not 7 as originally advertised) on Sunday, December 7.
SO - If you would like to attend, you are welcome to, BUT I need to know so I can get them the numbers by Friday. RSVP by THURSDAY NIGHT if you'd like to go. It will be a great time, and it'll be better if you are there. The more the merrier, right? Let me know!
Friday, November 28, 2008
It really is up to us.
As I was praying in my journal this morning, I asked the Spirit to move in a silent revolution where people would just 'get it' and turn to God and live changed lives that would influence their family and friends... as opposed to a movement that was attached to a person or group somewhere is what I was thinking. But I realized that God has already given that job to us. We - the church - are the ones who are supposed to live those changed lives that influence family and friends.
Do we influence people in a way that they draw closer to God?
Good thing we don't get fired from this job of being the church, hey?
Good thing there's always a new day that we can start to try again.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
SUNDAY DECEMBER 7 - The World's biggest Chocolate Fondue! This is a City Wide Coffeehouse at the Buffalo Lounge (the house behind First Baptist Church on Lorne and Victoria). The night starts at 7, cover is $5, drinks are $1. It's a fair trade awareness event - check out stopthetraffik for details on the idea behind the fondue. This is also a great chance to meet new people... Some of you like that.
SUNDAY DECEMBER 21 - Our Annual Christmas Party Potluck. 6 PM. If you only come to one thing all year, make it this one. Bring a $5 gift to exchange. There will be babysitting after the meal.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Have you checked out the BREAKFORTH info? Check out the link soon - I need your REGISTRATION INFORMATION BY SUNDAY if you want to go. Of course you can always register later if it's not sold out, but you'd miss out on the better deal and getting in on the hotel... Check that out this week and let me know of your interest.
THIS WEEK - Prayer Room Event.
Friday, November 7, 7-10 PM the fellowship room will be set up into a prayer room for YOU. It is a come and go thing, so call a friend and plan to come for an hour. Guided creative prayer. Come.
TONIGHT - NEW Bible Study
7:30 Tuesdays at the church - you are welcome to join us.
I am leading this one, and we'll be learning about God through the Scriptures. Bring your Bible!
(No study on Rememberance Day.)
Stay for lunch after church on Sunday November 16. Lunch is provided. Watch for other couples that morning to invite to join us!
The church's annual business meeting is also on the 16th - Pie & Coffee at 5:30, and the meeting will run 6:30 - 8.
We are going to do the World's Largest Chocolate Fondue! This is an event to raise awareness for STOP THE TRAFFIK, a group committed to stopping the traffiking of humans around the world. Check out the link, and mark Thursday, November 27 on your calendar. More details to come.
Sunday, November 30 at the church (catered by Charlottes - mmmmm). Tickets $20. There's a great improv comedy team coming - should be a great opportunity for all us young adults to integrate into the bigger congregation.
The Adult Christmas Banquet - not just for your parents!!!
event details,
small groups
Monday, October 20, 2008
This January 30 to February 1 (a Friday to Sunday), we are heading to Edmonton to take in "the largest equipping and renewal conference in north america."
Breakforth is a great experience that we've taken in a couple of times over the last bunch of years, and I would highly recommend it.
You can expect
- a great road trip with young adults from the church
- to worship like you've never worshipped before
- great speakers that will challenge you
- seminars that you can choose based on what interests you.
The cost is roughly $350.
$139 for the conference (if we have 5 or more and register by Nov. 12)
$50-100 for the hotel (depending on how many rooms we need)
$50 for travel (more or less; depending on what vehicles we end up taking)
$75 for food (also subject to change - you know how much you eat!)
Check out their website, look at your calendar, talk to your boss, and then let us know that you can come. To get in before the deadline, and because it does sell out, I will need your registration by SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9 at the latest.
I hope that you seriously consider this.
This weekend's activities...
Yes, this is the same as the email you just got, so if you read that, then you can just vote on the poll and scroll down to see what you've missed!
This Friday night is a big shiny fun event!
Meet at the Church at 730 - we'll carpool and keep the driving to an hour, then meet up at a friend's house to check out the photos, judge the winners and snack and laugh.
Bring a digital camera if you have one (we'll need one per car) and the cord to attach it to the TV to show the photos.
I hope you can come!
This Sunday is the Young Marrieds Potluck - RSVP if you're coming so we know if we'll fit into Stef and Tyler's place!
Other opps -
Saturday (Oct. 25) is the KBK Fall Supper, out at the camp. Seatings at 1:30 and 4:30. Tickets $5.
Monday night (Oct. 27) is the YFC fundraising Banquet. 630 PM at Celebration Lutheran Church. Email James Clifford ( for tickets ($10).
ROAD TRIP TO SASKATOON (Wednesday Oct. 29) - Look below for details on this!!!
Looking for some feedback as to how to best spread the word about our events and goings-on.
Currently, this here lovely email fires off your way every week or two with all the details.
We also have a website (blog) that you can check for all the details, and the church has a website that links to our blog.
Details are also published in the church bulletin every week.
How do you find out what we're up to?
Any suggestions on this?
I am really encouraged by the number of emails I have added to our mailing list in the last couple of months - have you noticed these new faces around?
Come on out Friday and let's welcome some new friends and re-connect with the old.
Hunger for Change
Wednesday, October 29th - CBM (Canadian Baptist Ministries) is putting on a seminar in Saskatoon about the World Food Crisis. Check out the Blog - there are links and more info there. I have talked to a number of people that I thought might be interested, but I'm opening it up to everyone - please join us! There are more spots available in the van. We'll leave the city at 4:00 - the seminar is 7-9, and we'll be home by midnight. Small changes on our part can make a difference across the world - come with us and help figure out what our part is.
To connect / RSVP / ask questions:
phone Carolyn - church office 775-1616, home 522-2421, or cell 533-6580
email or
our website: ***bookmark this so you know where to go to be in the know!!!***
Friday, October 10, 2008
Are we really facing a 'global food crisis'?
What obligation do we as Canadians have to change our lifestyles and advocate for change which will lessen the suffering of the global poor?
I joined END HUNGER FAST and am going to FAST FOR CHANGE next Thursday, October 16. You are welcome to join me.
"Imagine... if every Christian in Canada made a small change toward ending hunger - both spiritual and physical hunger. Fast for Change aims to help people and churches reflect and consider small changes that affect three areas of our lives: the daily practice of eating, the spiritual health of our faith communities, and justice for the hungry all over the world."
I am going to go to the HUNGER FOR CHANGE workshop up in Saskatoon on Wednesday, October 29. You are welcome to join me.
The objective for these workshops "is to inform and lead to transformative actions. The world is now challenged to work as a global community to sustain the environment and meet the needs of the poor. These workshops will challenge anmd encourage participants to find ways to make a lasting impact both locally and globally."
The first item (Fast for Change) is just for your information, although if you want to participate, please let me know! We can plan something or simply share stories.
The Hunger for Change workshop, however, is something I would like to do with YOU. I have room for 7 people to join me going up to Saskatoon to take in this seminar, and then I would like us to plan an awareness event for the rest of the young adults.
Please join me. Together we can make a change.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The POTLUCK has a HOME! Stef and Tyler are our gracious hosts for the evening of Sunday, October 26. This is a potluck for young married couples - you can RSVP by leaving a comment, emailing or calling me (Carolyn) at 775-1616, then we'll get you the address and details.
Costume Party! Passing on an invite from Jennifer and Justus - they are having a costume party on October 31 from 7-11 PM and you are all invited. Again, RSVP and get the address. Jennifer writes: "Everyone has to dress up or you may be forced to wear one of Justus' old ones. I warn you now, he has a lot of tights!!! Delicious appies will be available. (appies is a kelowna word for appetizers). There will be a prize for the best costume!!!"
Event Change: Instead of having a progressive supper on the 24th, we are going to do a photo scavenger hunt. Fun fun! This will accommodate all you who won't know until the last minute and then want to bring friends. Meet at the church at 7:30, then we will go somewhere after to show the photo and judge the winners. Anyone want to host? We just need a decent sized living room and TV that we can plug cameras into. Friday, October 24. Plan to be there!
Red-Eye Road Trip to Edmonton! Students (up to age 22): There is still room on this October 24-26 trip. Talk to Byron to get your spot.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Who we're connected to...
I just added some links at the side - do a little browsing and see who we are a part of. I've got our church site on there, plus our denomination's site (That's the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, formerly known as the Baptist Union of Western Canada). Canadian Baptist Ministries is our missions organization; they are over not just the CBWC, but also the other Canadian Baptist denominations (Atlantic, Ontario & Quebec, and French). Finally, Carey is our college and seminary. They are located on the UBC campus, and because we have a sattelite campus here at Westhill, you can take classes from there in person here.
Did you learn anything new? (If you did, comment! If you didn't, comment!)
Friday, September 26, 2008
We're not rushing into anything here, (I like the fall to last as long as possible!) but I wanted to post the things coming up in October so you could get them on your calendar.
We have something for each of our groups this month:
Young Marrieds - there will be a potluck early in the month (possibly the 14th? I will let you know when I have the place confirmed... any volunteers to host?)
Students (younger young adults) - Byron is taking the Senior High youth and the young adults up to the age of 22 to Edmonton for a RED EYE trip, leaving October 24th at 4 PM and returning late in the afternoon on the 26th. The cost is $125 which includes transportation, accommodations, breakfasts, snacks and a choice pass to either the World Waterpark or Galaxy Amusement Park. Get a registration form and your money to Pastor Byron asap to reserve your spot - seats are limited! Registration forms are on the youth and young adult bulletin boards - the youth one is in the hall by the fellowship room and the young adult one is downstairs.
Twenty-Somethings (older young adults) - Progressive Supper on Friday October 24th.
Young Families - there is a Harvest Party on Wednesday, October 29 here at the church - come and help out as the kids take in the fun. It's something the whole family can enjoy together.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Bible
Jeremiah 9:23-24
This is what the LORD says:
"Let not the wise boast of their wisdom
or the strong boast of their strength
or the rich boast of their riches,
but let those who boast boast about this:
that they understand and know me..."
And how do we know him? Well, reading the Bible is a pretty good way. The Bible is our source and authority and one of the primary ways we know God. Only 4% of people read their Bibles daily - there are more Christians than that. (Ok, so I don't know where that stat is from - Those last two sentences were from my class notes from this past weekend, and I wrote 'blog this!' beside them...)
I've been reading through the Canadian Bible Society's Daily Bible Reading Guide this year, and recommend it as a really great way to read every day - you get a chapter or managable amount each day, and it works through much of the Bible, moving around through it. I like that I don't have to decide what to read next or what system to use. I usually read it out loud while the kid eats breakfast; sometime we talk about it, sometimes not. But it's routine, and it's a good habit. God promises that his Word will not return void. Reading it means I am more likely to hide it in my heart and actually live by it.
On the link above you'll find three options to get this reading guide. They can send you daily emails with the Scripture for the day, you can download and print off the reading list, or you can ask them to send you a guide to use. I will look into getting some to have on hand, and get a bunch of 2009 ones, too, in time for us all to start off the new year on the right foot together.
Please add a comment if you want to commit to reading the Bible every day, or if you already do - maybe it will encourage someone else to get on board.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Bye Vave!
There is going to be a farewell party for Vave on Friday night at the Stu & Gloria Clifford party house at 6:30. They are BBQing, so please RSVP! And bring something (drinks, salads, desserts...) Vave is leaving us to continue on his world tour - if you haven't met him yet, then that's all the more reason to come to the party!
(RSVP here or at or call Jon or his parents... also let us know if you need the address.)
Vave at the retreat this weekend, and
Vave when he was here in February 2006.

Retreat Photos
Monday, September 15, 2008
For the LADIES
Girls Only at these ones:
Girl's Night Out - Thursday, September 18, 7 PM at my place (4031 2nd Ave). One of our young adults, Christan Johnson, is starting up a party lite business, so we're giving her a chance to practice on us, and giving ourselves an excuse to hang out and eat snacks and visit. (Christan told me the spiel will be about 20 minutes - the rest is us hanging out!) Hope you can make it! You can RSVP here or email
And the second one is A Shower for Carissa Thiessen! It's at Karen Nielsen's place (2 Rink Ave) on Wednesday next week - Sept 24th @ 7:30 PM. It's a miscellaneous shower and Karen says chocolate will be involved! :) Again, you can RSVP here or email
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Random & Coffee
1 - VOTE! on the poll -> ONE vote is pathetic participation and is enough to make a girl want to quit! -> -> ->
2 - BREAKFORTH info came today. This is something I want us to go to this year, so watch for the details on here soon.
3 - Two invitations for the ladies... I'll post the details here tomorrow...
4 - COFFEE. Were you at church on Sunday? Were you a big fan of the Ambassador Coffee Byron brought in for the kickoff? It's sticking around for the month of September for a trial, because we feel honestly that good coffee (and coffee in the narthex / lobby / entryway) will make people feel more at home, and like this is a place they could belong. It is partly about getting rid of the old bad 'church coffee' but it's about way more than just that. So if you like it and want it to stay, be sure to give your feedback!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Small Groups - Fall 08
Here's what we've got for small group options so far:
Sunday nights - Potluck and Bible Study at the church, in the youth lounge. Potluck is at 6 - bring food! and study will follow from 7-830. This one is led by Jon and Treena, and starts up Sept. 21. It's open to everybody, and childcare is provided.
Monday nights - This one is at the Simpson's home at 7 PM, and it's for college aged young adults. It's led by Holly and starts up next Mon, Sept. 15.
There are both mens and ladies studies at the church that are open to young adults as well - both of these sound really good, and add the element of mentorship to the small group study. Men's is every other Monday starting on the 15th, at 7:30. The women's one is during the day, but which day is still being determined.
As always, you can get more info by emailing
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Prayer Team
FYI - Byron and I have put together a prayer team for youth and young adults. We meet every Wednesday morning at the church from 10 to 11. (You are welcome to join us.) Since most people can't make that, we also send emails to larger prayer teams. If you would like to be on either one of those, email Byron ( or I (
BTW - Our young adult email is If you have any questions, or want to be on the email list to get info, drop us a line there. (the cc stands for college & career. We used to have cool sweatshirts with a cc logo on them. I think Jeremy designed them. Jeremy rocks.)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
WHO - for all the young adults (all branches of our family tree!)
WHAT - a weekend of relaxing, laughing, hanging out, games, sharing what we've been learning, hot tubbing, wakeboarding, enjoying a weekend away...
WHEN - THIS Friday, September 12, 7 PM to Sunday, September 14, 1 PM
WHEN DO YOU NEED TO DECIDE? - by this Wednesday.
WHERE - KBK (Katepwa Baptist Kamp) out on Katepwa Lake by Fort Qu'Appelle. Let us know if you need directions.
WHY - Because it's pretty much a guaranteed good time with good friends. That and the fact that it's a spiritual get away - a time to step back and take time with God and put things into perspective.
HOW DO I REGISTER? - Email and let us know you're coming. Or call Carolyn at 775-1616.
HOW MUCH? - $35 Bring your fee to the retreat with you. Cheques can be made out to Westhill Park Baptist Church.
Friday, September 5, 2008
World Vision
Why Branching Out?
Because we are branching out from what we have done before.
Because Christ is the vine and we are the branches, and my hope is that we are growing and being fruitful.
Because of the family tree symbolism. We have different groups or branches within our young adults, but we are still one group. We have different age groups within our church, but we are still one church family. We have different churches in the city of Regina, but we are still the one Body of Christ. Throughout our country and around the world, we are one in Christ - one family tree with one firm foundation - one set of roots.
Because we are rooted in God's Word and we are branching out and taking that good news and truth with us wherever we go.
Feel free to comment and add any thoughts you have on the symbolism of branching out.
Welcome to the brand new blog for the Young Adults of Westhill Park Baptist Church!
What you will find here:
*** All the info and details on upcoming events. I will still email you the details, but bookmark this and you'll always know where to find what you need to know.
*** Thoughts and musings and rants for you to read and ponder and respond to if you want. I often find there's stuff I'm learning or thinking about that I'd like to share with you, but I don't want to clutter your inbox. Come by the blog when you're browsing around and see what you think. (Or see what I think, then tell me what you think!)
*** Other people's comments (and other people's posts - let me know if you have something you'd like to post for us all), invites from other young adults to events they are hosting, polls, contests...
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