Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What would YOU like?

There's a balance in my job between running programs and the very real desire I have to not over program. I would rather you come once a week, get solidly fed spiritually and then go out and live as salt and light, serving those around you all week long. Then to come back and have God stories to share when you come to get fed again. That's what I'd love to see. Do you feed deeply on Sunday? Do you share your God stories? Or is Sunday just a routine or social time for you? (Not that routine is bad, I mean this in a routine-only-not-coming-to-feed-and-encourage kind of way.) Would you like to see a different once a week service geared just for you? Would you still come on Sunday mornings? I'm playing around with ideas, but don't know what it is YOU want or need (unless of course you one of the ones I have talked to about this...) Your feedback would be great. I'd love to be able to plan in a direction I know is needed and wanted. Send me an email at carolyn at westhillchurch dot com. Or reply here. Or phone. You are why I do this, you know.

1 comment:

pilgrim said...

I think it would could be really good if we could have a sort of Young Adults general meeting where the young adults (18-30) could come together with some of the staff (You, Byron, Henry and David maybe) and talk about...well, church.
Maybe invite some youth too, and some people who were in young adults in the last 10 years who could have some input too.