Saturday, August 29, 2009

A New Role

I am happy to announce that I have transitioned over the summer to a new role at the church. I'm still half time, but I will be the "Coordinator of Worship Arts and Communications". I'll write you the long version someday soon, but for now, here's a brief on the new job description: "Creative Arts" - I'll be doing work on the Sunday morning services - there are lots of people who have a part in that, and some of the key people are not at our weekly staff meetings, so besides the creative brainstorming, I'm going to try to streamline the process of how that all comes into being. It works fine the way it is now, but maybe it can work better this way... Here's hoping! "External Communication" - I'll be the content person for the website - we've got a great IT guy who can make pretty much anything happen with that, so I'll be trying to keep it up to date and keep it changing and make it more user friendly. "Internal Communication" - I'll be helping out with the different communication pieces that are needed, and hopefully cover in some areas that are not being done yet. These things, along with the different projects like the Core youth leader training, Adopt A Youth, and the Kickoff@KBK will keep me busy. I hope I stay on top of all the work and am still able to be a creative force for good around here! So that's the scoop on what I'll be doing. I'm excited to have some new challenges in front of me, and the kind of things I like to do, too. How amazing to have a job tailored to your gifts and strengths. And combine that with the hours that leave me free to be home with M? Must be working for a God who cares. Amazing.

1 comment:

Tyson said...

so happy for you in your new churchy-role.

I'll miss you with the young adult types - know that you're always welcome to come and hang out still.

and I'm still coming over for soup and fresh baking - haha.
