Monday, January 5, 2009

Games and Partying... Come on, Sunday, get here already!!

Ok, so we've had it in the bulletin at church for a few weeks now that we're doing a games night on January 10th. There were two reasons for this: 1 - Because there is a joint youth event on the Friday, leaving those of you who are youth sponsors a free Saturday to do something. 2 - Because the feed back at our sparsely attended Photo Scavenger Hunt (which turned into a games night) was that people would rather hang out and play games. So. A games night was planned. (And more will be planned, and I would love it if you would open your homes and host one!) But then I went on holidays and forgot to let you know where and when. Which turned out to be a good thing, because just before I sent out that info yesterday, I got a text. From Holly. Saying, can we have a party on Sunday so I can see everyone before I leave? Of course, she has a work Christmas party on Saturday night, so we have agreed happily to cojoin the two events. If you are reading this, you probably got the email that gave you the details, but here it is anyway: Sunday, January 11, 2009 7 PM Westhill Park Party House (aka Westhill Park Baptist Church) Bring games, munchies and friends. Oh yeah - why a farewell for Holly? Well, she and cousin Steph heard that it was warmer on the other side of the world, so they're taking off for Australia for a few months. Nice.

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